The Golden Era of Japanese Radio
-Prevailing of Super Heterodyne-
- 1951-55 -
From 1951, The numbers of Japanese broadcasting stations increased by starting
of commercial broadcasting.
Listeners need more selectivity and sensitivity to their radio sets.
From 1953, TRF receiver was withdrawn from the statistics of Japanese radio industry.
The most of new radios put on the market became super-heterodyne radio.
The production of radio and the numbers of listeners increased by a revival of business.
In 01/02/1953, TV broadcasting started in Japan by NHK.
However, TV set was very expensive. When TV broadcasting started, TV sets existed only 866 in Japan.
Radio was a main stream of home entertainment and information source.
The early 1950’s was the golden era of Japanese radio.
The standards of radio and broadcasting changed in 1950.
The band of standard broadcasting was extended from 550-1500kc to 535-1605kc.
And intermediate frequency was changed from 463kc to 455kc.
The recent frequency (463kc) interfered with marine band.
The big four companies Matsushita, Hayakawa (Sharp), Toshiba and Yaou (General) hold a large share of Japanese market.
Matsushita and Hayakawa continued manufacturing radio set from pre war.
Toshiba was biggest tube and light bulb manufacturer.
Yaou was new comer from 1940’s. They grew up to big company.
Victor and Columbia which were ancient companies of phonograph continued manufacturing radio and audio set. Matsushita acquired Victor of Japan Co., in 1954.
Yamanaka, Mitaka, Nanao etc the old manufacturers from pre war kept their business.
New comer ware Osaka Onkyo and Sanyo Electric.
The line up of products was different from big company and small manufacturer.
The big company had an abundant assortment of various radio set (small personal radio to hi-end radio phonograph).
The small company had a few variety of radio set.
The power of sets as commercial goods had a difference between big company and small company.
The design of cabinet contained old fashioned and modern style.
From 1951, Japanese companies were affiliated with foreign companies to introduce new technology.
Gothic is latest updates.
When not mentioned specially, all set are Super Heterodyne, all prices
are original retail price.
Japanese terms
or company names that is untranslatable are shown in Italics.
"National" Products by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
AS-450 3 Band 6 Tubes All Wave 1951-53 JPY 26,000
AS-400 3 Band 5 Tubes All Wave 1951-52 JPY 17,900
AS-300 2 Band 5 Tubes All Wave 1951-52 JPY 13,800 (5 Tubes 2 Band All Wave)
US-200 "Minkan Housou-gata No.2" 1951 JPY 9,950 (5 Tubes)
HS-600 "Shin Minkan Housou-gata" 1951-52 JPY 7,900 (5 Tubes Magnetic Speaker)
NS-100 "1952 Model 5 tubes Super" 1951-52 JPY 12,800 (5 Tubes)
PS-52 "Personal Super" 1952 JPY 13,900 (5 Tubes)
PS-71 "Personal Super" 1953 JPY 14,000 (5 Tubes using Rim Lock Tube"
PS-54 1953 JPY 11,950 (5 Tubes using GT tube ,Transformer-less)
HS-1000 "Komkumin Super" 1953 JPY 9,850 (5 Tubes)
NS-200 "Standard Super" 1953 JPY 14,800 (5 Tubes using GT Tubes, Auto-transformer)
DX-330 1953 JPY 13,500 (5 Tubes)
QA-700 1953 JPY 19,800 (5 Tubes 2 Band All Wave)
5X-568 1954 Price: unknown (5 Tubes)
BX-235 7 Tubes "Magna Super" 1954 Price: unknown (6 Tubes with Magic Eye and RF Amp.)
BX-270 6 Tubes "Magic Super" 1954 JPY 14,900 (5 Tubes with Magic Eye)
BX-250 6 Tubes "Snap Super" 1954-55 JPY 19,800 (5 Tubes with Magic Eye andPush Switch)
DX-350 5 Tubes ,Plastic Cabinet 1954-55 JPY 12,500 (5 Tubes with Plastic Cabinet, Winner of Industrial
Design Contest)
DX-370 1954-55 JPY 8,500 (5 Tubes with Plastic Cabinet)
AX-530 "Snail All Wave" 1955 JPY 21,500
"Sharp" products by Hayakawa Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
5R-51 5 Tubes 1951?
AL-5 2 Band 5 Tubes 1951? JPY 8,150(Wholesale)
AL-10 2 Band 5 Tubes 1952?
AR-310 5 Tubes with Magic Eye 1952-53 JPY 16,500
AR-330 5 Tubes with Magic Eye 1953 JPY 15,900
5R-800 "Houshi-gata" 5 Tubes 1952-53 JPY 9,850
5R-820 5 Tubes 1953 JPY 9,980
SR-280M 5 Tubes 1952-53 JPY14,250
RS-355 6 Tubes with Magic Eye 1954-55 JPY 19,800
"Matsuda"products by Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co., Ltd.
Matsuda Radio 513A 5 Tubes 1951-53 JPY 8,900 (Wholesale)
Matsuda Radio 614A 5 Tubes with Magic Eye 1953-54 JPY 15,500
Matsuda Radio 6SC-19 5 Tubes with Magic Eye 1955?
"General" prodcts by Yaou Radio MFG. Co., Ltd.
6S-5 5 Tubes with Magic Eye 1951-52 JPY 9,650 (Wholesale)
6S-B1 5 Tubes with Push Switch 1953-54 JPY 18,800
6S-12 5 Tubes with Magic Eye 1954
"Sanyo" products by Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
SS-52A 5 Tubes (Plastic Cabinet) 1952 JPY 8,950
SS-48 5 Tubes 1952 JPY 12,500
SS-56 "Conny Super " 5 Tubes (Transformer-less) 1954-55 JPY 6,300
"Victor" products by Victor Company of Japan
7AW-33 3 Band 6Tubes with Magic Eye 1953 JPY 32,000
"Columbia" products by Nippon Columbia Co. Ltd.
R-522 (Prototype ?) 5 Tubes using GT tube (Transformer-less) 1952-53
R-524 5 Tubes 1953 JPY 15,000
"Onkyo" products by Osaka Onkyo Co., Ltd.
OS-55 5 Tubes with Magic Eye 1953-54 (First Product of Onkyo Radio)
"TEN" products by Kobe Kogyo Corp.
TEN 5G-60 5 Tubes using GT tube 1953
TEN S-502 SUPER STAR 5 Tubes 1953?
TEN 5S-500 5 Tubes 1954
"Diatone" products by Mitsubishi Electric Co.,Ltd.
SB-12 5 Tubes 1954 JPY 14,700
"Hitachi" products by Hitachi Ltd.,
H-101 5 Tubes 1955-57 JPY 15,700
"Nanaora" Products by Nanao Radio Co., Ltd.
"DX super" 7S-18 6 Tubes with Magic Eye 1953
NR5S-3 5 Tubes 1953 JPY 14,500
"Pearl" products by Nippon Radio Ind. Co., Ltd.(JRC)
NR-54 5 Tubes 1951?
BR-12B 5 Tubes with Push Switch 1953
Lamp Radio SR-1 5 Tubes 1953
Other Manufacturer's products
Yusei 5 Tubes Yusei Kosaikai 1953?
Onken Model OS220 5 Tubese with Magic Eye Musen Suki Sangyo Co., Ltd 1954?
Topic Model TRF-601 5 Tubes Topic Radio Laboratory 1952-53 JPY 10,500 (Wholesale JPY 7,300)
Rain Bow Model No.D-200 5 Tubes Rain Bow Denpa Kogyo Seisakusho 1952
Alpha Mmodel 6B-32 5 Tubes with Magic Eye Nippon Alpha Electric Co., Ltd 1954
Kyosei Model unknown 5 Tubes Kyosei Musen 1954?
Clarion Model 5S4 5 Tubes with Mu Tuning Teikoku Dempa Co., Ltd. 1952 JPY 10,200 (Wholesale)
Kowa Model A 5 Tubes with Magic Eye Mituwa Tusin Kogyo Co., Ltd. 1953
Televian 6S-502 5 Tubes with Magic Eye Yamanaka Electric Co., Ltd. 1953 JPY 17,800
TOKO SUPER Model unknown 5 Tubes with Magic Eye Toko Electric Co., Ltd. 1954?
Normal Model 6S-M1 5 Tubese with Magic Eye Yoshida Electric Co., Ltd. 1954
Pigeon Model 6S-2 5 Tubes with Magic Eye Sogo Denki Co., Ltd. 1953 JPY 16,000
Pigeon Model TS-53A 5 Tubes Sogo Denki Co., Ltd. 1953 JPY 12,500
Melodyne Model MS-6L? 5 Tubes using mT Tube Toyo Sangyo Radio Works 1953
Waltz Model unknown 5 Tubes with Magic Eye Tokyo Musen Denki K.K. 1955
"National" Products by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd..
AS-450 1951-53 JPY 26,000 (27,600 from 1953)
TUBES: 6D6-6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80-6E5, 6.5" Electro-ynamic Speaker
(National Model 6F-51R) ,BC, SW1:2.7-7.5Mc, SW2: 7.5-22Mc
One of hi-end models of Matsushita radio at early 1950’s.
Chassis was painted. This finish was different from lower model.
Many accessories (Magic eye, tone control, input for pick up and AC socket
for player) equipped.
Peaking coil was used to improve sensitivity of SW band.
(Collection No.11884)
AS-400 1951-52 JPY 17,900 (18,800 from 10/1951)
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (6.5"),
3 Band All Wave
European styled 3 band all wave super heterodyne.
The design was felt the influence of Philips that was associated with Matsushita in 1951.
The finish and construction of cabinet was not good.
This cabinet is fear condition.
(Collection No.11740)
AS-300 1951 JPY 13,800
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (6.5", National
PD-65A), 2 Band All Wave
Low cost 2 band all wave set. Short wave band was 6-18Mc.
In 10/1951, The size of cabinet was extended, and speaker was changed from permanent type to electro-dynamic type.
Price was changed into JPY 15,200. Model name was changed into AS-300F.
In1952, Price was changed into JPY 16,300.
(Collection No.11156)
US-200 "Minkan Housou-gata No.2" 1951 JPY 9,950
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (6.5")
Low cost super heterodyne receiver.
This was a typical model of Japanese home radio.
The name “Minkan Housou gata” means “for Commercial Broadcasting”.
(Collection No.11322)
HS-600 "Shin Minkan Housou-gata" 1952 JPY 7,900
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F, Magnetic Speaker (8")
This is Matsushita’s cheapest set of 1952 model.
The simple construction and magnetic speaker was similar to TRF receiver.
Circuit was standard super heterodyne. Specifications were enough to use around the country except tone quality.
The speaker baffle board was made suitable for 6.5” dynamic speaker.
Permanent dynamic speaker equipped as option.
The price was expensive against cheap design.
This set did not succeed in business. Then this model was withdraw from 1953 catalogue.
(Collection No.11501)
NS-100 "1952 Model 5 tubes Super" 1951-52 JPY 12,800
TUBES: 6WC5 6D6 6Z-DH3A 6Z-P1 12F, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (National
Model 6P-51R, 6.5")
At late 1951, Matsushita released this model as 1952 new model.
New feature was modernized symmetrical design.
Matsushita called clear plastic dial “Ring Light Dial”.
This model was changed into model NS-200 in 1953.
(Collection No..11850)
PS-52 "Personal Super" 1951-52 JPY 13,900
TUBES: 6BE6-6BD6-6AT6-6AR5-6X4, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (5")
Matsushita’s early small set with mT tubes. This model was revised model of PS-51.
PS-51 used first plastic cabinet. New model PS-52 used painted wooden cabinet.
The first plastic cabinet occurred some trouble and expensive. Revised model returned into wooden cabinet. Early Japanese mT tube was very expensive. The price of this model was similar to high-grade set.
(Collection No.11732)
PS-71 "Personal Super" 1953 JPY 14,000
Rim Lock Tubes made by Philips
TUBES: UCH-42 - UF-41 - UBC-41 - UL-41 - UY-4, Permanent Dynamic Speaker
(5"), Semi-Transformer-less (Auto Transformer)
This is one of the Matsushita’s “Personal Super” series.
The circuit design of this set was peculiarity to Japanese radio set.
Technology was introduced from Philips which affiliated in Matsushita.
Tubes were “rim lock” types manufactured and imported from Philips.
Enclosure was Japanese original designed wooden cabinet.
Price was more expensive than ordinary large set.
Rim lock tube did not manufactured in Japan.
At last this set ended in unsuccessful in business, but made an contribution to improved Matsushita’s technology.
Replacement parts did not supply enough.
Most of this set was modified into miniature tubes.
This example that keeps original condition is rare.
(Collection No.11040)
PS-54 1953 JPY 11,950
TUBES: 12SA7-12SK7-12SQ7-35L6-35Z5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (5"),
Semi-Transformer-less (Auto Transformer)
This is one of the Matsushita’s “Personal Super” series.
Price was more expensive than ordinary large set.
Tubes were Matsushita made GT tubes. Name of tube was equal to U.S. standard tube.
However details was not equal to original tube.
Heaters were series connected, However small auto transformer used to protect some trouble by poor voltage stability on the grid.
Cabinet made by Phenol resin based plastic and design was imitation of
American set.
Chassis was hybrid of European technology introduced from Philips and American tubes.
Bar antenna was broken.
(Collection No.11260)
HS-1000 "Kokumin Super" 1953 JPY 9,850
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (National Model
6P-55, 6.5")
松下の、1万円を切るもっとも低価格の5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。普及型として「国民 Super Heterodyne
6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F で6.5インチのパーマネント・ダイナミック(ナショナル6P-55)を駆動するごく平凡なセットである。
(Collection No.11323)
NS-200 "Stansdard Super" 1953 JPY 14,800
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (6.5")
This is Matsushita’s middle class set.
Design of front panel imaged TV screen (from advertisement).
This modern design seems Japanese orginal.
(Collection No.11146)
DX-330 1953 JPY 13,500
TUBES: 12SA7-12SK7-12SQ7-35L6-35Z5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (5"),
with Auto Transformer
単巻きトランスを持つ、トランスレス用GT管を使用した小型5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。ループアンテナを採用。プラスチックキャビネットだが、まだ軟質プラスチックではない。電源事情が悪いためか完全なトランスレスに踏み切れないでいる。トランスを持つため重く、硬質プラスチックの性質上割れやすいという欠点を持つ。工業デザイン賞に入選した機種だが、デザインのモチーフが英国QUAD社のチューナであることは明らかである。ただし、この横に長く、背の低いデザインはその後のデザインの主流となる。GT管を使用したセットはmT管の量産化に伴って作られなくなり、短命に終わった。
(Collection No.11227)
QA-700 1953 JPY 19,800
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (8"),
2 Band All Wave
This is Matsushita’s high-class 2 band all wave set.
Design of dial seems 5 band all wave.
However frequency scales were only 2 from left.
Other scale was indicated the name of stations.
(Collection No.11051)
5X-568 1954 Price: unknown
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK, 6.5" Permanent Dynamic Speaker (National
Model P-6504)
Typical 5 tube superheterodyne set. The shape of front panel was new design
in 1954.
This set was one of last generations using ST shaped tube set.
Cabinet was fear condition.
(Collection No.11914)
BX-235 "Magna Super" 1954 Price: unknown
TUBES: 6D6-6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (8")
(Collection No.11047) Donated from ex Fukuyama Radio Museum Collection
BX-270 6 Tubes Magic Super Heterodyne 1954 JPY 14,900
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (6.5")
中波5 Tubes Super Heterodyne としては中級のモデル。プラスチックと南米産ゼブラ材をを大胆に使ったパネルデザインに特徴がある。このように操作ツマミが縦に並ぶデザインはMT管時代のハイファイラジオでは一般的になるが、この時代としては斬新である。操作部がシャーシ外にあるためシャーシが薄型になっているが、ダイヤル機構や操作部の構造は複雑で、デザイン優先で設計されたことがわかる。松下は同年DX-350型が毎日新聞工業デザイン賞特選を受賞しており、工業デザインの重要性に早くから気づいていたメーカーである。この頃から従来保守的だったデザインが個性的になっていく。
(Collection No.11451)
BX-250 "Snap Super" 1954-55 JPY 19,800
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (National
Model 6P-71R, 6.5"), Push Button Selector
プッシュボタン選局を備えたマジックアイ付5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。プッシュボタンは5局セットでき、基本的に販売店で各地域の局をプリセットして販売された。ボタンの窓には写真のようにAからEの文字が印刷されているが、プリセット後に、地域別のコールサインを印刷したシートを挿入した。下から2番目の”MANU”ボタンを押すと、通常の選局ツマミによる同調ができた。この年の同社のラインナップの中では、中波専用5
Tubes Super Heterodyne としてはもっとも高価なモデルだった。
Knob (center) was missing. Cabinet is fear condition. Rear cover was missing.
(Collection No.11784)
DX-350 5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 1954-55 JPY 12,500
TUBES: 6BE6-6BD6-6AT6-6AR5-6X4, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (National Model
5P-51C, 5"), with Transformer
This is small super heterodyne set using Phenol resin based plastic cabinet.
This model awarded in 2 nd Japan Industrial Design Contest in 1953 designed by Mr. Zen-ichi Mano who worked in Matsushita.
Design was inspired from Japanese historical architecture.
Front panel constructed by straight lines.
This set was one of the mile-stones of Japanese industrial design.
The cost of plastic cabinet and miniature tube was expensive.
Price was higher than ordinary wooden cabinet.
This set did not succeed in business, then withdrew from 1956 catalogue.
(Collection No.11676, 11693)
DX-370 1954-55 JPY 8,500
TUBES: 6BE6-6BD6-6AT6-6AR5-6X4, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (National Model
5P-51C, 5"), with Auto-transformer
This was low coat super heterodyne set using auto-transformer.
Design was unique and simple.
Appeared on The Denpa Kagaku (Radio Technic & Science) 07/1954 published
by Nippon Housou Shuppan Kyokai
(Collection No.11129)
AX-530/D "Snail All Wave" 1955-56 JPY 21,500
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (National
Model 8P-32, 8"), 2 Band All Wave, with Band Spread
松下の全波受信機。6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK の構成で、自社製8P-32型、8インチ・パーマネント・ダイナミック・スピーカを駆動する。
左のダイヤルは Band スプレッドとなっている。キャビネットの仕上げも良く、高級なセットである。
この機種は、当初短波の Band を、海外放送用の6-18Mcで発売されたが、1956年に日本短波放送対応のため Band を4-12Mcに変更したAX-530D型(DはDomesticの意か)にマイナーチェンジされた(写真はAX-530D型)。
(Collection No.11226)
"Sharp" products by Hayakawa Electric Co., Ltd.
5R-51 1951?
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F, Permanent Dynamic Speaker,
中波帯が535-1605kcに変更された直後のものと思われる5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F
という普及型の構成である。1948年に発売された小型5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 5R型の後継機種である。
(Collection No.11454)
AL-5 1951? JPY 8,150 (Wholesale)
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (Sharp Model
PD-67S, 6.5"), 2 Band All Wave
This is low cost 2 band all wave set.
Cabinet was conservative design.
Speaker and tubes were common with other low cost set.
This model was changed into Model AL-10 in a short time.
(Collection No.11700)
AL-10 1952?
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80HK, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (Sharp Model
PD-67S, 6.5"), 2 Band All Wave
AL-5型をマイナーチェンジしたAll Wave Super Heterodyne 。ダイヤル部がプラスチックを使った新しいデザインに変更された。
(Collection No.11343)
AR-310 1952-53 JPY 16,500
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80HK-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (Sharp Model
PM-60, 7"),
This is hi-end B.C. only model of 1952 Sharp catalogue.
Call signs of NHK (upper area) and early commercial stations (lower area) were indicated on the dial.
Conservative and well-balanced design was well received.
Imitations made by small manufacturers were produced.
One of the examples was Normal Model 6S-M1.
One of the knobs was missing. It is possibility that knob is unoriginal.
Appeared on The Denpa Kagaku (Radio Technic & Science) 08/1953 published by Nippon Housou Shuppan Kyokai
(Collection No.11655)
AR-330 1953 JPY 15,900
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80HK-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (Sharp Model PM-70, 7"),
1953年後半に発売された、同社の中波 Super Heterodyne の中ではもっとも高級なモデル。大型のダイヤル目盛には、開局直後の民放のコールが記入されている。デザインが共通の卓上電蓄GR-530型も存在した。
(Collection No.11655)
5R-800 "Houshi-gata" 1952-53 JPY 9,850
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (Sharp Model PD-67S, 6.5")
Low cost Super Heterodyne set. The name "houshi" means "bargain".
This mode was changed into Model 5R-820 in 1953.
(Collection No.11345)
5R-820 1953 JPY 9,980
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (Sharp Model PD-67S, 6.5")
low cost Super Heterodyne set. This was new model in 1953. Design was modernized
from old model 5R-800.
(Collection No.11431)
SR-280M 1952-53 JPY 14,250
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80HK/BK, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (Sharp Model
PM-60, 7"),
シャープの比較的高級な5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。丸型のユニークなパネルは、戦前の英国Ecko社のラジオをモチーフにしたもののように見える。プラスチック成形の技術が進歩し、自由なデザインに生かされるようになった一例である。
(Collection No.11364)
Sharp RS-355 1954-55 JPY 19,800
TUBES: 6D6-6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (8"),
Wave 風だが、中波のみである。価格も普通の5 Tubes Super Heterodyne が1万円を切った頃にJPY 19,800と安いAll
Wave より高い値が付けられていた。
(Collection No.11157)
"Matsuda"products by Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co., Ltd.
Matsuda Radio 513A 1951-53 JPY 8,900 (Wholesale)
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-12F, Permanent Dynamic Speaker
This is early model of Toshiba’s 1950’s radio set.
The badge on the front panel was made by cloisonne ware.
To realize low cost, construction and circuit was simplified.
The quality became inferiority.
(Collection No.11234)
Matsuda Radio 614A 1953-54 JPY 15,500
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80HK-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker
(Collection No.11498)
Matsuda Radio 6SC-19 1955?
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker
This set was unique designed super heterodyne set.
The design of front panel was Japanese classic textile named “himawari (sunflower)”.
(Collection No.11547)
"General" prodcts by Yaou Radio MFG.Co., Ltd.
6S-5 1951-52 JPY 9,650 (Wholesale)
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (General
Model PD-6502 D)
Yaou Radio had a market in the country area.
This is one of Yaou’s best seller models.
Design was simple and conservative.
(Collection No.11192) Donated from ex Fukuyama Radio Museum Collection
6S-B1 1953-54 JPY 18,800
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (General
Model PD-650), with Push Button selector
当時ラジオの3大メーカーの一つになっていたゼネラルのプッシュボタン式5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。中波専用だが、民法の開局に合わせて選局しやすくするためプリセット式のボタンを設けてある。ダイヤルエスカッションの意匠は、アメリカ・ゼニス社の大型ポータブル、トランスオーシャニックのデザインを流用したもの。オリジナルはAll
Wave である。
Owner's Manual
(Collection No.11741)
6S-12 1953-54
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (General
Model PD-650),
Yaou Radio became one of the big three radio manufacturers in early 1950’s.
The design of dial escutcheon was in the shape of TV screen.
TV broadcasting started in 1953 in Japan.
However, TV set was too expensive to ordinary people.
This design realized people’s small dream.
Owner's Manual
(Collection No.11252)
"Sanyo" products by Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
SS-52A 1952 JPY 8,950
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F, Permanent Dynamic Speaker
This is first radio set of Sanyo Electric Co.,
Plastic cabinet was introduced to realize a low cost set.
Design of cabinet was imitation of Zenith Model G-510.
The technology of plastic molding was very difficult to Japanese industries.
The rear cover was made by steel to protect bending cabinet by heating tubes.
Sanyo made an endeavor to realize a plastic cabinet.
Original model SS-52 was troubled in the cabinet.
SS-52 was changed into SS-52A immediately after selling.
Low price was realized. SS-52A became cheapest super heterodyne set.
Color variation (red and green) existed.
(Collection No.11728)
SS-48 5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 1952 JPY 12,500
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK, Permanent Dynamic Speaker
This is early model of Sanyo Electric Co.,
The first model SS-52A was low cost model.
This was middle class model using wooden cabinet.
(Collection No.11127)
SS-56 "Conny Super" 1954-55 JPY 6,300
TUBES: 12BE6-12BD6-12AV6-35C5-35W4, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (5")
This was extremely low priced set in 1954.
Circuit was standard transformer less super heterodyne using miniature tubes.
The technology of plastic molding was progressed and cost was reduced.
Functions were very simple, tuning and volume control only.
But it’s enough to small home use radio.
Color variation existed.
(Collection No.11159)
"Victor" products by Victor Company of Japan
7AW-33 1953 JPY 32,000
TUBES: 6D6-6SA7-6D6-6SQ7-42-80-6E5, Electro-dynamic Speaker, 3 band
Band とした「 Band スプレッド」式にして、操作性を改善している。6D6-6SA7-6D6-6SQ7-42-80-6E5 という、高一付
Super Heterodyne で、重要な部分に当時量産され始めたGT管を採用している。バリエーションとしてデザインがほぼ共通で2 Band
の7AW-23型(JPY 29,000)があった。All Wave の物品税率が高かったこともあって、標準的な5 Tubes Super Heterodyne
(Collection No.11767)
"Columbia" products by Nippon Columbia Co. Ltd.
R-522 (Prototype ?) 1952-53
TUBES: 12SA7-12SK7-12SQ7-35L6-35Z5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (Columbia
model DS-51), Transformer-less
日本では珍しいGT管を使ったトランスレス5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。感電を防止するためか、同社製品には通常あるはずのピックアップ端子がない。このセットのキャビネットは同社の民間放送型
Super Heterodyne R-522型とまったく同じものだが、この機種は通常のトランス式ST管 Super Heterodyne である。5インチの小型スピーカが使われているが、本来の7インチスピーカを取り付けるボルトが残っている。この時代のコロムビアのラジオは、底板に張られた回路図にしか型番やシリアルナンバーの表示がなく、失われているものも多いが、このセットにはまったく表示された形跡がない。かわりにキャビネット後部と裏蓋に「No.4」の文字がペイントで記入されている。トランスレス
Super Heterodyne のテストのために作られた試作品の可能性もある。本来のR-522型は、「民間放送型」の廉価版といいながらJPY
14,000という価格で、松下が1万円程度の「民間放送型」 Super Heterodyne を販売していたのに対して高価格だった。
(Collection No.11046)
R-524 5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 1953 JPY 15,000
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80HK, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (Columbia model
This is Columbia’s standard super heterodyne set.
Output tube replaced from 42 to 6ZP1.
(Collection No.11131)
"Onkyo" products by Osaka Onkyo Co., Ltd.
OS-55 1953-54
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (Onkyo PD-180)
Osaka Onkyo established as speaker manufacturer.
This model is their first radio set.
This set installed their hi-fi “Non Press Cone” speaker unit model PD-180 (8”).
Their strong point was “tone quality”.
Their hi-fi radio sold as low end audio equipment.
Later Onkyo grew up as audio equipment manufacturer
(Collection No.11637-2)
"TEN" products by Kobe Kogyo Corp.
5G-60 1953
TUBES: 6SA7-6SK7-6SQ7-6V6-6X5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (6.5")
Kobe Kogyo was the company reorganized from Kawanishi Kikai Seisakusho
This set used early Japanese GT tubes.
In Japan ST tubes used for a long time until 1950’s, then tubes changed into mT type.
Home use radio set using GT tubes was rare in Japan.
6SA7 was modified into 6BE6 and 6X5 modified into 80. It is possibility
that knob is unoriginal.
(Collection No.11181)
S-502 "SUPER STAR" 1953?
神戸工業は川西機械時代からTENブランドで真空管やラジオを製造してきた。これはその比較的後期のセット。6WC5 - UZ-6D6 - 6ZDH3A - 6ZP1 - KX-12Fの構成。小型の普及型セットである。"TEN VOX"の6.5インチパーマネント・ダイナミックを搭載する。同社は後に家庭用ラジオから撤退し、電子部品とカーラジオのメーカーになっていく。現在も富士通テンとしてカーオーディオを生産している。
(Collection No.11295)
5S-500 1954
神戸工業の高級型5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80HK の構成で、6.5インチ・パーマネント・ダイナミックを駆動する。真空管は自社製である。デザインは当時の流行の先端を行くモダンなものである。
(Collection No.11236)
"Hitachi" products by Hitachi Ltd.
H-101 1955-57, JPY 15,700
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK, ermanent Dynamic Speaker (Hitachi Model
HS-70, 7")
Hitachi's high grade 5 Tubes Super Heterodyne. Hitachi faded out from the production of radio set in 1949.
They restarted production of in 1954. This model was the first model at
(Collection No.11781)
Other Manufacturer's products
Yusei Yusei Kosaikai/Golden Star Radio Co., Ltd. 1953?
TUBES: 6WC5 6D6 6ZDH3A 6ZP1 KX-80BK, 6.5" Permanent Dynamic Speaker
(Pioneer Model PA-6)
The Japanese term “Yusei” means “Postal Service”.
Yusei Kosaikai was the welfare enterprise foundation for staff of postal service established
in 1952.
This set probably manufactured by special order to sold low price radio
to postal service staff.
The manufacturer “Golden Star Radio Co., Ltd” was an obscure factory.
(Collection No.11882)
Onken Model OS220 Musen Suki Sangyo Co., Ltd. 1954?
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F-6E5, Permanent dynamic Speaker (6.5"),
DON(mott)真空管を生産していた無線枢機産業の5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。真空管には自社製のDON製品が使われている。mT管を使用したラジオが現れる中で低価格のST管を使用した従来型の5
Tubes Super Heterodyne が中小メーカから安価に供給された。これはそのひとつである。
(Collection No.11432)
Topic Model TRF-601 5 Tubes Super Heterodyne Topic Radio Laboratory 1952-53 JPY 10,500 (Wholesale: JPY 7,300)
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F, Permanent dynamic Speaker (5"), Cast
Al Cabinet
中小メーカの小型5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。アルミ合金製のキャビネットが特徴である。
(Collection No.11032)
Rain Bow Model No.D-200 5 Tubes Super Heterodyne Rain Bow Denpa Kogyo Seisakusho 1952
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK, Permanent dynamic Speaker (Leica Model
無名メーカの5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。ダイヤルは当時試験放送を実施していたテレビ(丸ブラウン管)の画面をイメージしたものと思われる。ダイヤルには開局当時の初期の民放のコールが記されている。
(Collection No.11216)
Diatone Model SB-12 Mitsubishi Electric Co., Ltd. 1954 JPY 14,700
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80HK, Electro-dynamic Speaker (Diatone Model
(Collection No.11229)
Kyosei Model unknown 5 Tubes Super Heterodyne Kyosei Musen 1953?
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F, Permanent dynamic Speaker (Pioneer Model
無名メーカの普及型5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。キットか完成品かは不明である。
(Collection No.11241)
Televian Model 6S-502 Yamanaka Electric Co., Ltd 1953 JPY 17,800
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80-6E5, Electro-dynamic Speaker (Televian Model
戦前からの老舗、山中電機のマジックアイ付5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。
(Collection No.11243)
Nanaola DX super Model 7S-18 Nanao Radio Co., Ltd. 1953
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80-6E5, Electro-dynamic Speaker (Pioneer)
Ancient manufacturer Nanao Radio made this super heterodyne with RF stage.
Design of cabinet was European style like Telefunken or Philips.
This set seems all wave receiver.
However this is B.C. band only.
Call signs of Japanese station were indicated on the large scaled dial.
Push button switch like band selector was tone control selector.
Commercial broadcasting started in city area.
Rich people who lived in country area needed high sensitivity radio.
Such expensive hi-end radio equipped RF stage and hi-fi speaker was produced.
Serial number of this set was 166. It is possibility that number of built
may be limited.
(Collection No.11267)
Nanaola Model NR5S-3 Nanao Radio Co., Ltd. 1953 JPY 14,500
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80HK, Electro-dynamic Speaker (6.5")
戦前からの大手メーカー、七欧通信機の5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。パイオニアのスピーカがオリジナルかどうかは不明。当時の5
Tubes Super Heterodyne としては回路、デザイン、価格ともごく平凡なもの。キャビネット内部側面にアルミ箔が貼ってあり、アンテナ線が接続されている。簡易的なループアンテナとしたものである。
(Collection No.11264)
Normal Model 6S-M1 Yoshida Electric Co., Ltd. 1954
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80HK-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (6.5",
This is small manufacturer’s set.
The design of cabinet was imitation of Sharp Model AR-310.
Details were small changed from original.
Some variations existed on this model.
This model put on the market as the cabinet kit model M-1.
Cabinet is fear condition. Rear cover is missing.
(Collection No.11135)
"Pearl" Products manufactured by Nippon Radio Ind. Co., Ltd.(JRC)
Pearl Model NR-54 Nippon Radio Ind. Co., Ltd. (JRC) 1951?
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-12F, Electro-dynamic Speaker
日本無線の民生用ラジオ部門が分離、独立した日本ラジオ工業(略称は”JRC”となるところがミソ)の小型5 Tubes Super Heterodyne
(Collection No.11587)
Pearl(JRC) Model BR-12B Nippon Radio Ind. Co., Ltd.(JRC) 1953
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80HK, With Push Button Selector, Permanent Dynamic
日本無線の民生用ラジオ部門が分離、独立した日本無線電機の5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。日本ラジオ工業から社名変更したと思われる。親会社と同じJRCのマークも付いている。この頃量産されるようになったプッシュボタン式選局を備える個性的なデザインのラジオ。押しボタンは5個あり、JOAK,JOAK,FEN,JOKR,JOQRの東京の局の表示がある。シャーシ中央部をプッシュボタンのユニットが占めているため、左右に離れて部品が配置された特異なレイアウトのシャーシである。構造が複雑でコストが高かったと思われる。キャビネットのデザインは個性的だが時代の流行に合っているとは言い難い。1953年8月の資料に同社の名前がないことから、この年に消滅したものと思われる。日本無線は終戦直後いち早く民生用ラジオ業界に参入し、平和産業への転換を果たし、再び軍需や業務無線の製造に戻った結果、同社の民生用ラジオ部門はその役目を終えたのである。
(Collection No.11269)
Pearl Desk Lamp Radio Model SR-1 Nippon Radio Ind. Co., Ltd. (JRC) 1953
TUBES: 12SA7-12SK7-12SQ7-35L6-35Z5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker
Nippon Radio Ind. Co., Ltd. was separated company from JRC.
This was transformer less super heterodyne radio with desk lamp.
Speaker was installed in the top cover.
The construction of upper frame was weak.
Upper frame was broken.
Shade was missing. We equipped this shade made at same days.
(Collection No.11041)
Kowa Model A Mituwa Tusin Kogyo Co., Ltd. 1953
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (6.5", Mitsuwa
中堅メーカー、ミツワ通信工業の5 Tubes Super Heterodyne 。回路は平凡だが、おもしろいのは、短波コンバータ(配置図には「アダプタ」と表記)用のソケットが付けられている点である。日本短波放送(NSB)開局以前にこのような装備があるセットは珍しい。ソケットはシャーシを継ぎ足して取り付けられており、標準的なものではなく、特別な仕様の様に思える。このセットは、銘板の検査者が「成長の家文化科学部」となっている。宗教法人が特注したものと思われるが詳細は不明である。
(Collection No.11407)
Clarion Model 5S4 Teikoku Dempa Co., Ltd.. 1952 Wholesale: JPY 10,200
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK, With Mu Tuning and Rod Antenna, Permanent
Dynamic Speaker (6.5")
This is one of the Clarion’s home radio set.
This set used Mu tuning unit instead of variable capacitor.
And rod antenna was installed a t the top of cabinet.
Clarion (Teikoku Denpa) changed their product from home radio into auto radio.
This set used the technology of auto radio.
(Collection No.11307)
Pigeon Model 6S-2 Sogo Denki Co., Ltd. 1953 JPY 16,000
TUBES, 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-12F/80BK-6E5, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (6.5",
Nissan Model P6B))
Small manufacturer's Super Heterodyne set.
This cabinet probably repainted.
(Collection No.11348)
Pigeon Model TS-53A Sogo Denki Co., Ltd. 1953 JPY 12,500
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F, Permanent Dynamic Speaker (6.5")
Medium manufacturer’s super heterodyne set.
Trade mark likes the package of cigarette “Peace” designed by Raymond Loewy.
(Collection No.11509)
Melodyne Model MS-6L? Toyo Sangyo Radio Works 1953 JPY 15,800
TUBES: 6BE6-6BD6-6AT6-6AR5-6X4-6E5 , Permanent Dynamic Speaker (6.5")
Small manufacturer’s super heterodyne set.
This was one of the early example of set using mT tube.
(Collection No.11524)
Alpha Model 6B-32 Nippon Alpha Electric Co., Ltd 1954
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-42-80BK-6E5 , Permanent Dynamic Speaker (6.5")
Nippon Alpha Electric was separated from Anritsu Electric Co.,
Magic eye was installed at the center of dial pointer.
(Collection No.11446)
TOKO SUPER Model Unknown Toko Electric Co., Ltd. 1954?
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F-6E5 , Permanent Dynamic Speaker (6.5")
Small manufacturer’s low cost super heterodyne set.
This manufacturer made radio cabinet and radio kit.
This set may be assembled kit.
In the mid 1950’s, the price of ST tube was cheap.
The small manufacturer’s radio set using ST tubes was sold as bargain item
at a department store.
(Collection No.11420)
Waltz Model unknown Model unknown Tokyo Musen Denki K.K. 1955
TUBES: 6WC5-6D6-6ZDH3A-6ZP1-12F-6E5 , Permanent Dynamic Speaker (6.5")
Small manufacturer’s low cost super heterodyne set.
Tubes was also small manufacturer’s E.V.T. brand.
(Collection No.11293)