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Japan Radio Museum

"Real" Japan Radio Museum Opened at Matsumoto-city, Nagano, JAPAN
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Japan Radio Museum internet Museum is here

In Japan, Radio broadcasting started from 1925. It's only 5 years after from world's first radio broadcasting in U.S.A.
We think that the 20 years from 1935 until 1955 is golden era of Japanese radio. This is main era of our museum.
The intention of this site is to introduce the history of Japanese radios for 50 years from the beginning of broadcasting through the Collection of our Museum.

Message from director

On May 3rd, 2012, our “real” museum was opened at Matsumoto-city, Nagano, Japan. Our building is historical Japanese warehouse called “kura” built in 1906. We display 70 radios, 50 documents, 15 TV sets, and some radio -phonographs. We selected these exhibits from our large collection to express the history of Japanese radio.


ROOM 1: Pre 1945, Radio Museum

ROOM 2: PostWWII, Radio Museum

ROOM 3: Radio Phonogragh & Audio Division

Important Information

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Japanese terms or company names that is untranslatable are shown in spelled in Italics.
When not mentioned specially, all prices are original wholesale price.

Radio Museum

    Room 1: The History of Radio and Broadcasting (-1945)

Dawn of Japanese Radio
- Crystal to Tube-

|Crystal Receiver and Battery Operated Tube radio

|*Power Supply for Early Radio -Battery and charger-

Popularizasion of Electric Radio

|*Early AC Sets

  Console Radios

|*Tokyo Central Broadcasting Station's winning sets by the contest

|*Cathedral Tombstone and Midget Radio

|Radio Sets Approved by The Broadcasting Corporation of Japan

The Biginning of Portable Radio

-Battery Operated Receiver for Emergency-

Japanese Radio during WW II

|Age of "Nami-Yon" and "San-Pen"
Japanese 4 tubes or 3 tubes TRF low end radio

"Seinen-dan" Radio : Radio sets for Adult Education
Early Community Recieving Facilities

Deutshe Volks Empfanger

|"Station-model Sets" : Standarized Set by The Broadcasting Corporation of Japan

"Kokusaku-gata" Radio : Simplified Set at War Time

|*"Kikaku-1gou" Radio : Standard Radio at War Time

Japanese All wave Receiver at Pre War

|Low Cost Receivers at War Time

|*Middle Class Receivers at War Time

|Hi-end Receivers at War Time

Wired Broadcasting System

The Planning of "Kokumingata"Radio

Battery Operated Radio for Emergency Use

Radio at End of the War


Various Theme of Radios (-1945)

|Radio Communication System Used by Richard Sorge Group

Broadcasting & Radio outside area of Japan mainland

Radio in Manchoukuo

Radio in Occupied Area of North and Central China


 Data Files (-1945)

The Official Price of Radio (1940)

The Official Price of Radio (1943)

The Official Price of Radio (1944)

The List of Brand (pre WW II)


   Room 2: The History of Radio and Broadcasting (Post War)

After the War : Reconstruction of Radio Industory

|*TRF Receivers from 1946 to 1948

|*Super Heterodyne Receivers from 1946 to 1948

|"Kokumin-gata" Radio Approved by NHK

|Radio Sets Passed Examination by The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

Home Brew Sets by Radio Amature

The Dawn of Japanese Portable Radio

The End of Occupation

Modified Radios
-Old TRF/regenerative sets converted into Super Heterodyne-


|*The Eve of Opening of Private Broadcasting

|Prevailing of Radio kit

Start of Commercial Broadcasting: The Golden Era of Radio

The Opening of Private Broadcasting

|The Golden Era of Japanese Radio
-Prevailing of Super Heterodyne-

The Growth of Japanese Portable Radio

|*The biginning of Stereo Broadcasting

Early Hi-Fi Tuner (AM)

The Beginning of Comercial Short Wave Broadcasting

The Era of the Small Plastic Radio and the Hi-Fi Radio

|Prevaiing of Super Heterodyne Receiver
-From ST tube to Miniature Tube-

| Beginning and Prevailing of the Transistor Radio

Transistorzed Table-top Radio

|"Hi-Fi"Radio : Radio as Audio Equipment

Early FM Radio Sets

From Tube to Transister : End of Tube Radio
|Popular Radio Sets with Plastic Cabinet in 1960's

The End of Tube Radio


Various Theme of Radios (Post War)

Radios as Teaching Material

The History of Smalll Radio Made by Matsushita Electric Ind.

From Community Recieving to Wire Broadcast Telephone Exchange


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Contact us
(Our e-mail Address has changed at 14/11/2015)

Copyright (C) 2007 Japan Radio Museum All Right Reserved
(edited from 31/03/2007)

Last Update 11/06/2024

著作、制作:日本ラジオ博物館事務局 岡部匡伸

Radio catalog: more than 105 000 radios with   217 000 pictures including over 90 000 schematics  plus   radio forum.